Curriculum Maps
At Warley Road Primary Academy, we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that is exciting, creative and meaningful; we refer to our curriculum offer as BELLS & Whistles: Broad Experiences for Loving Learning. We believe our exciting and innovative curriculum, which is underpinned by our building blocks of teamwork, relationships and confidence, enables all learners, irrespective of their starting points, to succeed academically, spiritually and emotionally. This unique curriculum offer, interwoven through iChallenge, equips learners for all stages of their education and beyond, and is central to our vision here at Warley Road. We believe that children should be skilled and articulate. We teach this through insisting on the ‘4R’s’ (Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Reflection) in all that we do. Children are taught to know the importance of reading and spotting progress in what they do. We want our children to be proud of their achievements and we, as a school, recognise their successes in the widest possible sense. Please see the link below for an outside school offer with Calderdale Council.
For further information on our curriculum, please contact us.
Through the ‘i-challenge’ curriculum we provide access to a wide range of opportunities that promote pupils’ emotional, physical and intellectual development. Activities provide pupils with opportunities to develop the ‘building blocks’ of successful life skills, such as teamwork, resilience, responsibility and friendship. Through ‘i-challenge’ we focus on how children learn and this is underpinned by building relationships, building teamwork and building confidence.

Our geography curriculum aims to provide our children with quality first hand experiences whenever possible, creating excitement and wonder through studying the world beyond the classroom. Initially, our focus is on their immediate environment and the local landscape including hills, moors, crags and rivers. During our residentials, children are able to explore the wider environment, in a contrasting locality, to provide them with an opportunity to compare and contrast their understanding of geographical areas, both urban and rural. Through our carefully tailored curriculum, children will develop into explorers. We aim to enthuse children about the possibilities that their world has in store for them to explore. Our children will leave school with a sense of their place in the world, both culturally and physically, and a desire to enquire into the world around them.
Our history curriculum aims to provide our children with a sense of time through an understanding of people, places and objects. The children will learn about the experiences of others and of significant events from the past through quality first hand experiences, artefacts, historical texts and other primary and secondary sources. Our children will practise the WRA building blocks of teamwork, relationships and confidence in order to gain a broad and balanced understanding of their local, national and world history. Our children will leave school with a chronological awareness of historical periods, an understanding of people and their impact on the world as we know it today.

At Warley Road Academy, we teach science in a way that ensures children have a concrete understanding of chemistry, biology, physics and geology. We believe science is not about having the right answer but instead is about a set of processes and skills which allow us to better understand, question and reason with the world around us. Our science curriculum follows the national curriculum and is progressive throughout the school so that each topic and skill can be built upon one year after another. In each year group there are a variety of investigations which involve tangible experiences that teach the children a range of scientific enquiry skills. We have constructed our curriculum, not only for the children to have a breadth of knowledge, but to have the depth also.
We have specialist from Calderdale Music Trust who teach our music lessons and music assemblies once a week. At Warley Road, we recognise the vital role of music in allowing curiosity, creativity and self –expression to develop alongside resilience, confidence and critical thinking skills.

Through our computing curriculum we aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a responsible and safe way to ensure that pupils become digitally literate and digitally resilient. As a school, we have chosen the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Reception to Year 6. At Warley Road Academy the safety of our pupils is paramount. We take online safety very seriously and we aim to give children the necessary skills to keep themselves safe online. Children have a right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring them, appropriate to their age and stage. As a school we have Smoothwall Filter that protects students with real-time filtering and blocks harmful content without restricting their freedom to explore and learn. Smoothwall Monitor works in real-time to alert safeguarding teams to risks as they happen.
Art / Design Technology
At Warley Road Academy our Art curriculum has been designed to expose children to a rich and varied diet of creativity and Art history. We believe that high-quality Art lessons will inspire children to think innovatively and develop creative understanding. The Art curriculum provides children with opportunities to develop their skills using a range of media and materials. Children learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and 3D work.
Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils will have the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making.

Our responsive PSHE programme is at the centre of the school curriculum, providing opportunities to teach concepts, knowledge, language, strategies and skills that enrich the wider curriculum. Here at Warley Road Academy, we are preparing our pupils to be able to flourish and thrive with the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern day Britain. We use the SCARF programme from CORAM life education. Our adaptive and inclusive curriculum meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by adapting teaching and learning to suit all children and all abilities. We ensure that our curriculum fosters gender equality and LGBT+ equality by ensuring the quality of an inclusive and diverse curriculum. External visitors are used within our PSHE programme. They are carefully selected and enrich learning, provide expert input and act as role models throughout our PSHE provision. Our i-challenge curriculum further enhances our children’s PSHE learning by giving them access to a wide range of opportunities that promote their emotional, physical and intellectual development.
The Warley Road Academy R.E curriculum recognises the importance of developing our pupil’s as individuals so they can grow up to be responsible citizens. It develops our values, behaviours, knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs. The Warley Road Academy RE curriculum is based on the Local Agreed Syllabus for Calderdale, Kirklees and Leeds produced by SACRE for teaching from September 2019…

Physical Education
Warley Road Primary aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through quality physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We listen to our children’s wants and needs and provide them with a broad range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as celebrating their own successes…
Spanish (MFL)
At Warley Road, we start to teach Spanish as our modern foreign language in KS2. After speaking to our local secondary schools, we have chosen to deliver Spanish as this was the most common Key Stage 3 language. Children are taught a language to foster their curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world and other cultures. We equip children with knowledge to further learning in KS3 and beyond which will broaden their ability to study and work in other countries.