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If you shop at Asda, you could help benefit our school by downloading the Asda Rewards App and opt into the cashpot for schools campaign by nominating our school. Everytime you shop and scan, Asda will donate 0.5% of your purchase to our school funds. @asda #helpyourlocalschool
Year 2 have had an amazing first week. We've been learning all about our class names: Curlews and Lapwings as well as heading out on our first trip to do some bird watching. This afternoon we've enjoyed making bird feeders in the sunshine.
If you shop at Asda, you could help benefit our school by downloading the Asda Rewards App and opt into the cashpot for schools campaign by nominating our school. Everytime you shop and scan, Asda will donate 0.5% of your purchase to our school funds. @asda #helpyourlocalschool