At Warley Road Primary Academy, we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that is exciting, creative and meaningful; we refer to our curriculum offer as BELLS & Whistles: Broad Experiences for Loving Learning. We believe our exciting and innovative curriculum, which is underpinned by our building blocks of teamwork, relationships and confidence, enables all learners, irrespective of their starting points, to succeed academically, spiritually and emotionally. This unique curriculum offer, interwoven through iChallenge, equips learners for all stages of their education and beyond, and is central to our vision here at Warley Road. We believe that children should be skilled and articulate. We teach this through insisting on the ‘4R’s’ (Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Reflection) in all that we do. Children are taught to know the importance of reading and spotting progress in what they do. We want our children to be proud of their achievements and we, as a school, recognise their successes in the widest possible sense. Please see the link below for an outside school offer with Calderdale Council.
For further information on our curriculum, please contact us.
For the teaching of phonics we use the DfE accredited Essential Letters and Sounds programme. This programme is followed with rigour and fidelity by all teachers and teaching assistants. Discrete whole-class phonics lessons are taught to all children, daily in Reception and Year One. To ensure that learning is embedded, flashcards and reading opportunities continue throughout the day and additional phonics teaching is given to identified children. Phonics remains the main strategy that we use to approach/decode unfamiliar words and spelling across the school.