Welcome from the Head Teacher
Thank you for visiting our website, and welcome to Warley Road Academy, a school I am proud and privileged to be head teacher of. I hope you find our website informative and inspiring and I would encourage you to come and visit us to see, firsthand, the high-quality teaching and learning environment that makes our school a special place to be.
Here at Warley Road, we provide a happy, stimulating and caring place where all children are valued and provided for. Our child-centred approach builds relationships, confidence and teamwork alongside a commitment to develop every child into resilient and respectful young people who are proud of their academic achievements and personal successes.
Our team of dedicated and skilful staff have high aspirations and want the best for every child in their care. We will always have time to talk about your child’s education and look forward to working with our families and the wider community to nurture readers, writers, problem solvers and thinkers for the future.
I look forward to meeting you and your child.
Best wishes,
Mrs Sarah Tindal

Vision & Values
Our vision is to ensure that learning is engaging, active and fun. We want children to love school, be happy and healthy. Central to the vision are the following key drivers, which underpin the curriculum, the way we behave and our expectations.
• i-Challenge – An award scheme aimed at widening primary school children’s experiences. The concept and activities have been developed by educational practitioners and are designed to build confidence, teamwork and relationships; essential building blocs in children’s development.
• Talk, Read, Write – Language, language and more language, we want confident, articulate young people who can express themselves with ease.
• 4R’s – A simple model for creating visible consistencies which underpins daily life at Warley Road. (Resilience, Respect, Reflection and Responsibility)
• Aim High – Raising aspirations and aiming to be the very best that we can be. Challenging ourselves to believe and achieve across a wide range of activities, we value what we measure.
Our Aims
• To ensure that the achievement, personal development, and well-being of children is the primary concern of all.
• To create outstanding learning and teaching which engages pupils, is active, collaborative and encourages independence
• To foster pupil voice which involves children in the development and delivery of their own education and the life of their academy.
• To construct a curriculum which meets the needs of all learners, is engaging and fun
• To develop professional networks which provide opportunities for pupils.
• To understand and promote community cohesion within the curriculum and wider opportunities available to children and families.